Astro & Tailwind Starter

Edit src/pages/index.astro to get started.

More about this starter

I created this starter solely for myself to have a better and faster jumping off point on new Astro projects. While it largely un-opinionated, that does not mean there are zero opinions.

This starter template may grow a bit with styles and components that match my desired style. You can, of course, change whatever you would like in the appropriate folders. But to begin with this starter features:

  • Responsive font-sizing

  • Responsive element spacing due to the addition of the .flow class

  • Poppins Google Font added to Tailwinds fontSans class

  • Basic light and dark mode

The .flow Class

Here is a quick breakdown of the .flow class:

  1. Help manage flow and rhythm of elements.

  2. Every direct sibling child element of has margin-block-start added to it.

  3. Uses 1em as a fallback from clamp syntax.